Leadership Doesn’t Suit Edzo

So far, we have received lots of confidential information about Edzo.

Probably the most entertaining submission is Edzo’s penchant for tailor-made mail-ordered foreign designer suits.

Muscling everyone in the union to buy them from “his guy” who he flies in to take everyone’s measurements and pick their cloth. Our leaker on this one says this may be Edzo’s greatest accomplishment and only success story over 4 years as GST.

[Getting a kickback on suit sales? Could this be linked to what’s going on in Houston? As the magic eight ball says, all signs of the baby blue and diamond plate logo match of Kelly and Lancton’s campaign logos point to yes.]

If you’re supporting Edzo or are thinking of supporting Edzo because you think his accent is cool or because he never fully committed to doing his $300k a year job as GST and still makes IAFF members pay for him to commute while he continues to also fleece Boston taxpayers for a second salary (plus overtime) while riding his truck or because he likes to talk about dead firemen.

It’s childish reasoning. That’s on you and your members and our union will suffer for it if he wins.

On the campaign trail, Chicago Local 2 President Jim Tracy, that’s the guy who runs one of the largest locals in the IAFF, says “if you want to hurt the IAFF, elect Ed Kelly. He will hurt the IAFF.” [maybe not an exact quote, but if you ask Mr. Tracy he’ll tell you directly what he thinks and it will be close to that. video on this to come soon]

We don’t know Mr. Tracy personally, but what he says rings true.

Edzo has torn down and torn apart our union to build himself up.

As our current 20-year president retires, we need a true leader whose not already a walking scandal to take us into the future.

Edzo’s not that guy, unless you want a new mail-order suit.