Edzo knows BDO is a Sweetheart Deal

Edzo’s latest punky video said he’s against sweetheart deals.

Except thanks to some info through our confidential link, we know he’s made a bunch of his own.

Worse than hiring his cousin as his secretary (thanks for that intel) he hired BDO. While his cousin reportedly makes $150,000 a year to keep his laundry clean, our union has now also handed over another reported $150,000 of our dues to BDO.

Want to know what great union work this foreign company does, ask the people who know...CLICK HERE for more.

Why is BDO Edzo’s sweetheart? Matthew Golsteyn is Edzo’s Trump-pardoned top staff sergeant.

Mr. Golsteyn’s brother-in-law is reportedly a partner at BDO. Mr. Golsteyn reportedly hired his brother-in-law to do IAFF work using his personal email.

Yes using personal email to keep his IAFF things secret seems to be a common thing for Mr. Transparency.

We’re also told the Ethics Committee is investigating this, the brother-in-law thing, the personal email, the secrets, hiding everything they do.

We guess Edzo’s ok with his own corruption and sweetheart deals. He’s full of shit.

When it comes time to endorse a candidate and cast your ballot for who should move our union into the future, you have choices. Don’t choose the clown who’s already corrupt because if you do the shit that’s already really old and tearing our union apart will continue.

Let’s move on already. Send him back to Beantown and let’s get our union straightened out.