Edzo the Union Buster, Part II

You've heard about his hiring of a union-busting attorney. Here's some interesting reading that we found thanks to our confidential link and Google on their "union prevention" efforts:

"Develop early warning union prevention programs − our team assists clients to minimize labor risks by developing an appropriate employee relations infrastructure, including assessment of vulnerability, and training on detection of early warning signs of union organizing and promptly responding to that activity."

And through our confidential link, we are told that "Nelson Mullins defended a case against a 2000 First Amendment case where the IAFF represented Local 3883 members against St John's South Carolina Fire District relating to a gag order imposed by the District."

This was also sent to us where Nelson Mullins represented International Paper against the Steelworkers union: Representing IP against the USW: https://www.nlrb.gov/case/09-CA-142988

We don't know all of the anti-union cases they have handled, but if we did we'd surely find a lot more where Nelson Mullins is fighting against union workers and union organizing based on their list of clients of mostly local and state governments and large corporations who no doubt subscribe to their "union prevention" services.

An intriguing piece that was sent to us through our confidential link was the financial analysts and auditors Nelson Mullins hired, CBIZ, who are also the financial analysts for the Goldwater Institute.

So Edzo's friends at the Goldwater Institute are actively fighting against our Austin Texas local (L975 - Austin Firefighters) and the rights of union leaders to be off on union release.

Ironically, if Edzo's friends at Goldwater win, Edzo's own sweetheart deal in Boston would have to come to an end. Wouldn't that be some juicy karma?

Either Edzo is anti-union or he's so corrupt he doesn't care who he affiliates himself with as long as he becomes GP.

Don't let him sell our union out more than he already has.

Choose someone else in the upcoming election. Our union's future depends on it.