IAFF delegates voting on the future of our union tuned into the convention this last week and delivered a stunning defeat to Edzo’s “vision” for the union.


Look, there’s a lot out there about Ed Kelly and how he conducts himself personally and professionally that should make any serious person doubt his ability to lead the IAFF…

1. He told members directly that he would not retire from his “job” in Boston if elected to GP – he currently doesn’t even do the job of GST full time but rakes in half million between his two salaries and sticks the members with his “commute” bill. READ MORE

Edzo likes to say in his town halls and pitches to locals that “3 years in, issues emerged” and he had to speak up.

Yes, 3 years into his term an election was coming up, and he wanted to be GP really bad. READ MORE

We just watched a few town halls of Edzo’s and Mahlon Mitchell’s, and we have received a communication that Ethical Practices Committee Chair/4th District Vice President/Edzo Endorser Andrew Pantelis has sent. READ MORE

In his town hall, Edzo becomes witness number one for the Goldwater Institute.

When asked if he would be a full-time General President if elected, Edzo said no. “I wouldn’t retire” he said.

Then he doubled-down. He explained that he gets paid by BFD to never show up at work. “I don’t know if that translates to other locals” he said. Then he said “For me to retire doesn’t make much sense”. READ MORE

Edzo loves talking about himself so his town halls are a treasure trove of his lips moving.

WARNING TO LISTENERS: be ready for his new “Troot te da powa” catch phrase. It is the new “Tipaduh Speeya.” He will say it until he watches another Ben Affleck movie and hears a line he likes even better. We just hope it’s soon.

That aside, the IAFF Executive Board has a serious question based on his townhall and that question is for IAFF Ethical Practices Committee Chair and “Edzo for IAFF” 4th District Campaign Manager Andrew Pantelis.

Just a couple of years ago, Ed Kelly was on a rampage to crush Ricky Walsh as he ran for 7th District Vice President. Edzo was on a mission to get his buddy Ryan Mudie elected. So, he was willing to say anything and everything negative about the candidate running against Mudie, and that competitor was Walsh. Watch this hate-filled, typical Edzo video.

Edzo's mission failed. Ricky won. From what we understand from people close to both, they still despise each other. But in a turn of events that is only explained by personal opportunism, Walsh recently endorsed Edzo. READ MORE

Why I, Elliott Hastings, retired IAFF Vice President Emeritus, believe Secretary Treasurer Ed Kelly is DEFINITELY not the person to be representing the IAFF in any position but certainly not IAFF President. READ MORE

Edzo’s stealing from us?

We’ve been thinking about Edzo getting reimbursed by member dues for his commuting between Boston and Washington, DC for his entire four-year term.

He’s out there accusing others of corruption. He says they stole and misappropriated money. READ MORE

You've heard about his hiring of a union-busting attorney. Here's some interesting reading that we found thanks to our confidential link and Google on their "union prevention" efforts:

"Develop early warning union prevention programs − our team assists clients to minimize labor risks by developing an appropriate employee relations infrastructure, including assessment of vulnerability, and training on detection of early warning signs of union organizing and promptly responding to that activity."


Edzo’s latest punky video said he’s against sweetheart deals.

Except thanks to some info through our confidential link, we know he’s made a bunch of his own.

Worse than hiring his cousin as his secretary (thanks for that intel) he hired BDO. While his cousin reportedly makes $150,000 a year to keep his laundry clean, our union has now also handed over another reported $150,000 of our dues to BDO. READ MORE

So, Ed is running AGAINST corruption and sweetheart deals?

Ha! What a joke. READ MORE

So far, we have received lots of confidential information about Edzo.

Probably the most entertaining submission is Edzo’s penchant for tailor-made mail-ordered foreign designer suits. READ MORE

As our sisters and brothers in the great state of Washington begin making their decisions [and if you’ve made yours already and have endorsed the rat, it’s time to reconsider], some nice people confidentially dropped us this little 2018 video of who Edzo really is.

Remember, this is coming from a guy who [rat-like] leaked his trumped-up charges of “corruption” to the Washington Free Beacon and the Wall Street Journal just for his own political gain.


Apparently, when you start to tell the truth about Edzo's lack of character, his penchant for lying, his thuggish, and overall jackassy behavior, a lot of people have stories to send you that prove all of those things.

One of the first stories we received through our confidential link is a story that was, by many accounts, front and center when Edzo addressed the California Professional Firefighters during its recent candidate forum (which ended with a whole lot of endorsements for Mahlon apparently), and it goes like this:

Frank Lima and Edzo became fast friends when they came onto the IAFF Executive Board together in 2016. Such pals they were, they considered each other the ideal running mate in a future election for both principal officer positions. READ MORE

Here's a little story about IAFF members dues money, Boston taxpayer money, and waste fraud and abuse.

We pay our General Secretary-Treasurer over $300,000 a year to manage our hard-earned dues dollars and our union's budget.

Edzo takes that job so seriously, he does it part-time. READ MORE

Edzo spent three years praising General President Harold Schaitberger as the greatest leader our union has ever known. READ MORE